Monday, June 6, 2011

Let's Just Be Honest

Like so many people—but not enough—I just don’t understand why people can’t be honest! Why is it so hard? In the words of Mark Twain, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” In essence, being honest can eliminate a lot of stress and save a lot of time.

Representative Anthony Weiner is just the latest in a long string of politicians who thought he wouldn’t be found out. Before him, just to name a few, are John Edwards, Larry Craig, and Bill Clinton, who all denied the facts only to have to admit the truth later. When will people learn that in this age of technology and scrutinizing media, they might as well admit the truth from the start, humbly apologize—assuming they’re actually sorry or they’ll be committing another lie—and let us get on with the important things in the world.

As to Representative Weiner, he probably didn’t do anything that many other people haven’t done, childish though it is, with the convenience of a camera in almost everyone’s cell phone. Stupid and disappointing? Yes. Particularly since he’s supposed to be a role model for the rest of us, but his action wasn’t unique and probably not rare. The only ones to benefit from his embarrassing act were the comedians ready to make use of every punning opportunity they could muster. (Thank you Stephen Colbert for the “Treat Meat”!)

Once again, however, I am just as disappointed in the media for trying to make it newsworthy. I truly can’t imagine CNN’s Wolf Blitzer proud of dedicating even one second of his journalistic skills to interviewing the congressman. I want to believe Blitzer’s boss forced him to hold up the Tweeted photo during the interview. After Wolf’s coverage of the first few hours of the Persian Gulf War, surely he has no expectations of winning a Walter Cronkite Award for the Weiner interview. Wolf, you really lost some journalistic dignity on this one.

But back to the point…why is it so hard to be honest? Using superlatives is dangerous, but I truly can’t think of anything I value more than honesty. Whether in my personal or professional life, I’ve learned it’s always better to fess up to my blunders—purposeful or not—and get on with the tasks at hand, and I’ll admit that there have been times in my life when crow was a staple at my dinner table. There’s enough drama in the world without extending it by deceivingly thinking the truth WON’T out. It WILL! I can’t help but think that more relationships are weakened by holding onto a lie rather than admitting the truth and asking for forgiveness. And when we find it hard to forgive someone for admitting to stupid mistakes, just think of the last one you made. For me, I wouldn’t have to think back that far.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Kay. They ALWAYS get caught and yet, they always lie even knowing that. It makes no sense to me. I can forgive the stupidity of their childish behavior - really middle school kids send pictures of themselves. Did Weiner want to be compared to that maturity level? - but the lying is disturbing. the ease with which they lie is mind boggling and horrifying.
